Gladiator II

Prepare to be entertained! Paul Mescal ist Lucius Verus in der Fortsetzung zum 5-fachen Oscar-Gewinner von Ridley Scott aus dem Jahre 2000.

Darsteller: Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, Joseph Quinn, Fred Hechinger, Lior Raz, Derek Jacobi, Connie Nielsen, Denzel Washington • US/GB 2024, 148' • Kamera: John Mathieson • Schnitt: Claire Simpson, Sam Restivo • Musik: Harry Gregson-Williams • Drehbuch: David Scarpa • Regie: Ridley Scott • FSK 16 • Kinostart: 14. November 2024

Die Fortsetzung der epischen Saga um Macht, Intrigen und Rache im antiken Rom. Vor Jahren musste Lucius (Paul Mescal) den Tod des geliebten Helden Maximus durch die Hand seines Onkels miterleben. Jetzt ist er gezwungen, selbst das Kolosseum zu betreten, nachdem seine Heimat von den tyrannischen Kaisern erobert wurde, die Rom nun mit eiserner Faust regieren. Die Zukunft des Reiches steht auf dem Spiel, und mit Wut im Herzen muss sich Lucius auf seine Vergangenheit besinnen, um die Stärke zu finden, den Ruhm Roms seinem Volk zurückzugeben.

Sir Ridley Scott, der Unermüdliche, wird am 30. November 87 Jahre alt und plant bereits die nächste Fortsetzung GLADIATOR III.

From legendary director Ridley Scott, Gladiator II continues the epic saga of power, intrigue, and vengeance set in Ancient Rome. Years after witnessing the death of the revered hero Maximus at the hands of his uncle, Lucius (Paul Mescal) is forced to enter the Colosseum after his home is conquered by the tyrannical Emperors who now lead Rome with an iron fist. With rage in his heart and the future of the Empire at stake, Lucius must look to his past to find strength and honor to return the glory of Rome to its people.

The bold Sir Ridley Scott turns 87 on November 30 and is already planning his next sequel, GLADIATOR III.

Nicht mehr im Programm // Currently not playing at Kino Intimes //

Gladiator II Film Paul Mescal Lucius Verus
Ridley Scott will never stop directing: So is your attitude at this point is that you’ll stop directing when you’re dead? -- Scott: When I go [makes croaking noise]. I mean, Clint [Eastwood] is 94. -- But his new film, Juror #2, is being considered by some as his final movie. -- Scott: Well, yeah, but he’s fucking 94! I’m 86 now, so I’ve still got a few to go.
“Shut Up and Go Make Another Movie" -- James Hibbar, The Hollywood Reporter
Gladiator II Paul Mescal Pedro Pascal Film Kino
Gladiator II finds strength and honor in the well-worn armor of its predecessor. Paul Mescal is adept in the belabored-hero role, going toe-to-toe with not only the delightfully deranged Joseph Quinn and Fred Hechinger, but also with Denzel Washington, whose mercurial Macrinus practically screams “ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED” at the audience every second he’s onscreen.
Tom Jorgensen, IGN
Gladiator II Paul Mescal Lucius Verus
Gladiator II Pedro Pascal Marcus Acacius
Ridley Scott is one of cinema’s modern marvels with his extraordinary run of high-energy pictures in the last few years delivered at a terrific storytelling gallop: the Rashomon nightmare The Last Duel, the true-crime melodrama House of Gucci and the excellent and underestimated Napoleon bio-epic. As for Gladiator II, he’s galloping back over old ground, galloping in a circle perhaps. But there is something awe-inspiring in seeing Paul Mescal’s triumphal march into the A-list.
Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian
Gladiator II Fred Hechinger Emperor Caracalla
Gladiator II Joseph Quinn Emperor Geta
Twenty-four years on, Ridley Scott has achieved that rare feat: a sequel that lives up to the original. Exhilarating, satisfying, classical with a touch of tongue-in-cheek: Gladiator II ticks all the boxes, and does it with panache.
Christina Newland, i
Gladiator II Connie Nielsen Lucilla
Gladiator II Denzel Washington Macrinus
A rousing spectacle with Ridley Scott and Denzel Washington on top form: Not perfect and not a patch on the original film, but the magic of Ridley Scott's direction and Denzel Washington's performance elevates Gladiator 2 into the epic spectacle it needs to be. But best to manage your expectations in comparison to the Oscar-winning film.
Kelechi Ehenulo, Total Film
Gladiator II Denzel Washington
Denzel Washington dominates this thrilling sequel: Washington deliciously steals every scene in this rousing heir to the Oscar-winning classic, with director Ridley Scott doing some of the best work of his storied career... Scott may never stop making movies, and on the basis of Gladiator II, that’s a very good thing.
Nick Schager, The Daily Beast
Gladiator II Denzel Washington Macrinus Poster